Regional El Peñol, Colombia, Washed

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Orange, chocolate and caramel

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This espresso is community-sourced coffee produced by small-scale farmers from the El Peñol region. This region offers bright acidity and complex flavour profiles. Expect a well-rounded espresso with bright, zesty orange-tasting notes, complemented by a natural sweetness of chocolate and caramel.

TASTES LIKE Orange, chocolate and caramel
ROAST Espresso


The El Peñol region, nestled in the Antioquia department of Colombia, is emerging as a significant player in the world of specialty coffee. This area, characterised by its high altitudes—reaching up to 2,200 meters above sea level—offers ideal coffee-growing conditions. The cooler temperatures at these elevations slow the ripening process of the coffee cherries, leading to beans that develop a rich, full-bodied flavour with unique profiles influenced by the specific microclimates of the region. The result is a coffee that is increasingly sought after for its complexity and quality.

El Peñol is part of the broader Antioquia department, one of Colombia's oldest and most important coffee-growing regions. The coffee industry here has deep roots, dating back to the early days of Colombian coffee cultivation. This rich history of coffee production in Antioquia is a testament to the region's commitment to quality and consistency, making its coffee a staple in both national and international markets.

One of the key players in bringing coffee from El Peñol to the global stage is Racafé, a major Colombian coffee exporter. Racafé operates several dry mills across Colombia, including in regions like Antioquia, which allows them to process and export large quantities of coffee efficiently. The company is known not only for its scale but also for its commitment to sustainability. In 2018, Racafé inaugurated the first green coffee milling machine powered entirely by solar energy, marking a significant step forward in reducing the environmental impact of coffee processing.

Racafé's focus on sustainability extends beyond energy use. They are actively involved in promoting responsible consumption and supporting the livelihoods of small and medium-sized coffee growers. By offering a platform for these farmers to reach international markets, Racafé helps ensure that the unique flavours of regions like El Peñol are recognised and valued globally.

The partnership between local growers in El Peñol and exporters like Racafé exemplifies the dynamic nature of Colombia's coffee industry, where tradition meets innovation. As global demand for specialty coffee continues to grow, regions like El Peñol, supported by the expertise and infrastructure of companies like Racafé, are well-positioned to impact the market significantly.

REGION El Peñol, Guatapé
VARIETAL Castillo, Caturra and Typica
ALTITUDE 2000-2100 masl
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El Peñol, Guatapé, Colombia

Colombia, a country of diverse landscapes, is renowned for its coffee production. In the region of El Peñol and Guatapé, located in the Antioquia department, the lush, mountainous terrain provides an ideal environment for coffee cultivation. This area is characterised by its rich volcanic soil, consistent rainfall, and a climate that alternates between warm days and cool nights, fostering the growth of high-quality Arabica beans. Coffee farms here often employ traditional methods, focusing on sustainable practices that respect the natural biodiversity. The picturesque landscapes, combined with the dedication of local farmers, result in coffees that are as vibrant and unique as the region itself, often featuring bright acidity and complex flavour profiles.
